The world is a crazy place, and sometimes I can’t stop writing about it. From the perspective of a pagan, a technologist, a historian, or just an American, here I yeet my therapeutic rants and philosophical discourses on the state of mankind.
All Things Known
When a man with obvious mental degeneration claims he doesn’t know something, you should take him at his word.
The MAGA cult is every bit as dangerous and violent as the 4th century Christian cult, and is embedded in enough centers of authority to have the potential to ignite a civil war. The degree of calamity we face is extreme, especially if the precedents are followed to their natural conclusion.
Ides of March
The Ides of March has become the lead in to a host of jokes, but there’s a lesson from history here worth considering.
Disaster Response
Disasters happen, then we clean up and repair and reorganize. When disasters move very slowly, it can seem evil to not try to fight them.
Breaking Away
You may not care about the bicycle racing industry, or bikes, or racing, but you may enjoy this article about the bicycle racing industry, specifically the intersection between athletes and corporate promotion. It’s short, and well written, and maybe you’ll learn something you didn’t know. One of my older pet peeves has been how the…
AI isn’t the problem, We are
I’ve noticed a lot of breathless headlines lately about the coming takeover of AI, and I’d like my friends to know that a lot of the problem is perception. The danger is not that AI is going to take over cultural and military control of the earth. I know this is the premise of several…
Why Job Sites Suck
One of the features of the ‘new economy’ has been the proliferation of websites that host job listings. “Looking for work” in the modern sense means uploading your resume to one such platform after another, but never getting any feedback in return. These sites suck and rarely lead to getting a job. They suck for…
MR BLACKITT: Look at them! Bloody Conservatives, filling up the bloody jails with minorities using their bloody fascist drug laws. MRS BLACKITT: What are we dear? MR BLACKITT: Progressives, and fiercely proud of it! MRS BLACKITT: Well why do they put so many minorities in jail? MR BLACKITT: Conservatives abuse their drug war laws to…