If you’re the kind who likes to drink straight from the firehose, this page is for you. No categories, no tags, just all of my essays here in reverse order of publication. I can tell you’re already pretty excited about this. You’re welcome.
In the last two weeks, Ukraine has captured over 1000 square kilometers of Kursk, dozens of communities, and hundreds of Russian soldiers. It hasn’t just been about destroying airfields, like they did yesterday. Focusing on drone combat has created a new sort of phalanx that defeats the new Persians.
Parody of Religion
In the context of Louisiana legislating the “Ten Commandments” to be posted in every classroom, those unfamiliar with how the Bible has been used probably won’t notice that this is a parody of religion and take it at face value that this is the Ancient Law.
It’s become obvious to everyone that there are many fewer insects around than there used to be, but we can’t say it’s the end of the world for insects. We actually have no idea.
The Second Hot End
A continuation of my adventures with an Ender 5 S1 printer, and eight new projects.
3D Morality
Filament has the potential for becoming extraordinarily useful, and 3D printing allows us to use filament in intricate ways we’ve never been able to build before. At the same time, it can be extraordinarily wasteful and can allow us to burn through resources faster than ever before.
Beltane Meditation
This is when we again take that baton of life from past generations and hand it forward to the next. This is how we touch the past and fuel the future. This is a celebration of life, of living, of moving along that part of the wheel where we celebrate the miracle of regeneration.
The First Hot End
My 3D printer experiences, including my recently purchased Creality Ender 5 S1, and a catalog of what I’ve made with it so far.
Noah Point
The rainbow has become emblematic of the entire Noah’s flood story, but it’s culturally relevant to ask why we think the rainbow was the most important part.
Ides of March
The Ides of March has become the lead in to a host of jokes, but there’s a lesson from history here worth considering.
Coding Compulsion
I have a compulsion to write code. I write code even when I’m not paid to, because it makes me unhappy to do otherwise.