Category: Religion
Icon and Text
The mythology of the Bible is a set of stories told about what the Bible says or means, and these stories reflect elements of a creed […] Most of what is written in a creed isn’t actually in the Bible. Yet it is the creed that defines the denomination. Thus the iconic Bible represents not…
Meditation: Veils and Worlds
This is traditionally the time when we anticipate the “opening of the veil”: which is a time when we can better share our energies with our friends and family who have passed to that “other world”. While this explanation serves the many who celebrate this type of ritual, there are rationalists who find all this…
Beltane at Church
Sunday completely blew away my already inflated expectations. I’m not sure where to begin, but I can start by saying that it reinforced for me that I’m doing the right things in the right place. If you’re not already familiar with Unitarian Universalism, I encourage you to look it up and then see if there’s…
A complex understanding of faith was modeled for me at a young age, and I imitated that model for most of my life. The model for me was an encounter when I was very young, maybe as old as ten, with an elder Anglican priest. I was confused about all the conflict over evolution. I…