Several things are notable right away: many elements about how Rebel Jesus tells the story are off. First off, the story concerns Ahimelech, not his son Abiathar. David lied about being with companions, and had none to whom he would have given the bread. Further, the priest Ahimelech willingly gave the bread to David once he professed his “men” were currently celebate, so there wasn’t an issue about him not being a priest. What was the point of these distortions?
In the next chapter of 1 Samuel, Saul admonishes Ahimelech for his aid and has him and all his family and his farm animals and everyone who lived in his town killed. Only his son, Abiathar survived, and he ran off to David, who swore to protect him. This response of a king against an accidentally rebellious priest was part of a message being communicated to the Pharisee scribes – who surely would have known the story and how it was being manipulated. The Emperor of Rome will gladly kill rebellious priests, their families, and their whole towns in order to put an end to social disorder.