22⌄ And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”

Mark 2:22
  • Location: Capernaum
  • Subject: Jesus Anointed
  • Narrator: Mars
  • Author: Flavius Josephus
  • Created: Flavian Imperial Cult

(Continued from the commentary on verse 21.)

The subjects in v22 are somewhat more gruesome, as the people of Judea are being compared to old wineskins that burst when given the vine of Roman citizenship and should be discarded. A new peoples would accept Roman citizenship more fully and without bursting with rebellion.

In Hebrew tradition the betrothed bride remained at home with her parents until the wedding day, after which she would move into her new husband’s family’s house and everything would change for her. She would likely go from being a respected member of the house to the lowliest family member of the new house.

When the Pharisee scribes confronted Jesus about consorting when he should have been fasting, he replied by saying that it was Judea’s wedding day and everything was going to change for them: amenable ones will be moved into their new father’s house, the rest would be killed. Woe to Judea. Woe to Galilee. Rome will remove all the peoples from this land and repopulate it with people who will understand and respect Roman culture. This is the Good News of Jesus Christ.