Design Refresh

I’m delighted to announce the new design of my website, The Pokey Finger of God. I have been working on this new design for months longer than I had expected I would, but here we are at last with the new Dark Gallery theme and category breakouts that generally match the kinds of writing I do. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to look around.

In order to capture all the information I’m collecting for my new project, Reframing the Gospels, I had to do a major overhaul on the back end, moving the site to a new host (no longer!) and creating new post types and field sets. Much more will continue to be built on that part of the project, so look for coming announcements on that. In the meantime, the general writing that I do will have a much better presentation and accessibility.

Because I’m hosting this myself, I have a great deal more access to do all kinds of crazy changes. In no small part, this is why it’s taken so long to put this together. Consider this very much a work-in-progress, and any weird links or image placements should be cleared up over the next week or two. After that, who knows what sorts of shenanigans I’ll cook up. It’s exciting, really!


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