Category: PNW Journal
Frosty Trauma
Retraumatized by the weather, an ice storm in the PNW brings strong feelings about the destruction of trees.
Because Spring
My progress writing on this blog stopped suddenly: not because I wasn’t writing, but because I was writing in different contexts. Every business day, it’s my job to write meaningful, productive sentences in English, PHP, and Javascript. With some regularity, I’m called upon to interact with a variety of digital systems in their native tongue.…
Taco Wisdom
At some point in my early adulthood, I discovered two corresponding facts: 1) I can cook my own damn food, and 2) the food I make is usually better than most restaurants and certainly better than any prepared, frozen food. Segue to tacos. I love them. Learning to create my own authentic taco meat was…
I’ve been doing a thing at church where we have regular observances for the new and full moon. The theme for new moons is to introduce a different tree from the area and talk about traditional and mythological associations. Then we do a guided meditation where we talk to the tree of the month and…
There’s this group at church who spearhead activities that encourage environmentalism and green principles in everyday life. Usually, it’s a protest, or a talk, or a march. One time, it was a video. Sue had contacts who knew how to handle beavers, and friends in the church who were needing some remediation after a family…
I never thought of water much as a kid. It filled bathtubs and cups and came out of the garden hose. Running water was always a thing, so whenever I needed a drink, it was easily obtained. People only spoke of it to complain: either there wasn’t enough, or what we had tasted awful. I…